Saturday, March 21, 2015

Patreon is live

Amy and I just finished filming, editing, and uploading the final pieces for the Patreon campaign. "Hook's in the water," I proclaimed upon the completion of the final upload. "What? What about ducks?" said Amy. "Hooks! Hooks!" I corrected. "Yeah, I wasn't really listening," came her reply.

I'm thinking about cycling through the different software I want to screencast an episode at a time. Monday could be AutoCAD Monday. Tuesday could be Solidworks Tuesday. Wednesday could be Onshape Wednesday (Ow, for short). Thursday could be Inventor Thursday. Friday could be Inventor Friday. Saturday could be SketchUp Saturday. Or NX Saturday, Or Creo Saturday. Or Microstation Saturday. Or Revit Saturday. The week needs more days.

Friday, March 20, 2015

So excited!

I just unleashed the hounds of Patreon. You can find my campaign here: Go, Patreon hounds! Go flush those elusive currency birds from their hiding places!

Here's how it really happened. Coming up on a year ago, got frustrated with the free video training content I was finding, so I decided to start producing my own. My goal was to make them get right to the point, with no obnoxious intro videos and no patronizing preambles prior to delivering the actual tutorial material. Since then, I've had something close to a quarter million views, over a thousand subscribers, years worth of time spent watching my videos, and an overwhelming amount of positive feedback. I'm super stoked to be giving this a shot.

I decided to do the Patreon campaign for a few reasons. The primary reason is that I really want to keep making videos, but I can't afford to use so much of my time producing content and maintaining the channel. A secondary reason is to help me feel like my time is being well spent when I produce videos on content that feels important but probably won't drive big viewing numbers. My life basically boils down to a game of numbers. My hope is that with patron support I will be able to devote more of my time to producing high quality video content.

So what do patrons receive for their patronage you ask? Beyond my gratitude and absolution for the sin of eliminating the ads I have used to monetize my channel through products like Adblock Plus, they get progressively more visibility and input on the content I produce. Beyond those guys, there's also an option to emotionally underwrite a video. I honestly can't see myself or anyone else ever donating three thousand bucks for a single video, but if they do I intend to live up to the reward in every way. My wife and I are budding connoisseurs of world class fine foods and I intend to deliver.

I'm working on shaking things up in my current video format a bit, making smaller videos that are more situation specific rather than longer videos that try to cover multiple things with the goal of matching my audience's attention span (about 5 minutes before they watch something else). I'm still interested in producing the longer videos, but I want to add the bite sized option for those looking for something specific as well.

In terms of software I would like to cover in the next year, here's what I'm thinking.

  • AutoCAD 2016 new features
  • Solidworks
  • Onshape
  • Inventor
  • NX
  • PTC Creo
  • Microstation
  • Revit
  • ArchiCAD (Maybe. We'll see on this one.)
  • SketchUp
The goal is ambitious given the amount of material, but I'm stoked to get it planned out and give it a shot.

Onwards and upwards.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Revamp, Redesign, and Screencasting Onshape Tomorrow!

New years bring new things. This year has brought me an 800 mile move to the coast, a new microphone setup, a laundry list of new restaurants to enjoy, a broader YouTube viewing audience, some graphic overhauls, and a new piece of feature based modeling software. How exciting!

The design for the blog was looking a little long in the tooth, so I shook things up a bit. You're welcome.

I also implemented video thumbnails over the weekend as well as channel art and a new avatar across my Google services. And now you know.

My lovely wife and I moved from Utah to the Bay Area in California in February. So far it's been good.

Yesterday I had Ethiopian food for the first time. It was super good! This is the point at which I would normally make some wise crack about Ethiopia and food, but I'll restrain. I did suggest that we grab a bite before we went to the restaurant. You know, just in case. It was not well received by the more refined company I was keeping. What, people can make Canadian jokes but not Ethiopian jokes? In all seriousness though, the food was delicious and the experience was really great overall. If you want to eat the food of the Ethiopians and are in San Jose, check out Walia. The staff was great and the food was sensational. We were served by both an Ethiopian Amazon and an Ethiopian dwarf. I literally couldn't ask for more.

An open letter to the good people of Ethiopia.

Dear Ethiopians, 
I love your food. I know, that sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. It's not. This time. I really really like your food. You are a wonderful people with a cultural heritage that is nearly as rich and deep as civilization itself. In millenia past, you were Pharaohs. You built eternal monuments. You cut churches straight down into bedrock. Your food is dang spicy. You are a major focal point of Rastafarianism. That may very well be your greatest achievement. 
We need to talk about your ladies and their treatment. This whole under fed, under sized, under age marriage ending in week long deliveries, dead babies, fistulas, and social pariah statuses thing really needs to stop. Your women are key to your current and future success as a nation. Please be nice to them. 
I ate your food stuffs. They were delectable. Half of them were vegetarian. I then heard that there are no vegetarians in Ethiopia. That made me laugh deeply, from the diaphragm. I too am not vegetarian. I will dine on spicy, stewed meats with you any day. You just let me know. 

The Real News.

Now, the real news. As of tomorrow, the NDA I signed with Onshape is no longer in effect and I will be screencasting video tutorials on the beta right out of the gate. You have permission to get excited in advance. I'm really stoked about OnShape. They still have some ways to go, but the feature set they currently have is robust and the performance of their system has been fantastic during the closed pre-production period. Here's to it continuing! And the price point! It's so exciting to find feature based modeling software in the affordable range. Keep up the good work, Onshape!

That's about it. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Twitter. Until next time.