Original Message
According to our records, today (February 26th), there have been made several unauthorized attempts to log into your CL account. Immediate login is required in order to authenticate you as the owner of this account.
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I'd love to log in and fix the problem, but I'm actually an African prince in need of money. My uncle will be giving me money when he gets back to my country, but right now my car broke down in England and I need money to fix the car. I'll go ahead and send you 10 dollars, just give me your account number and we'll make it work. You can get others to chip in too. I'll give you 10 percent of everything that they donate. I have been selling Avon to try to get the car working; perhaps you'd be interested in some? I am also very well connected with a series of well reputed Canadian pharmacies and can get you all the Viagra you could ever want. All I need is your credit card number and CCV, maybe your social, date of birth, mother's maiden name, etc. Heck, go ahead and add me as a friend on Facebook while you're at it so I can learn about your crazy all night drinking and puking binges, then bring them up in awkward social situations in 10 years. I bet my uncle, the king, would be really excited to meet you, and will reward you handsomely for your generosity in my time of need.
Mufasa Jabar